Page name: Reservoir Dogs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-11-20 19:08:57
Last author: NibblerLove
Owner: gilmour
# of watchers: 6
Fans: 0
D20: 18
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This wiki is a group of robbers. We always go for the richest places. We don't like to kill, but we do if needed. Boys and girls are aloud. And when you're on the job, you don't tell anybody about yourself personally. We use nicknames instead. You must choose a colour for your nickname. My nickname is Mr. Brown. Example nicknames are Mr. Orange and Ms. Green. We will do role plays where we play as our character and rob banks. Oh, and don't pick long colours as your nickname. Just pick a short and regular colour.

the dog's job

Mr. Brown [gilmour]
Position: Boss
Job: Plans Robbery
Preferred Weapon: Sawnoff Shotgun

Ms. Magenta [Kisa_sama]
Position: Right hand Lady
Job: Dissabler and/or Accomplice. And to recruit more robbers into the gang.
Preferred weapon: 28 ga, automatic shotgun or 22rimfire.

Mr. Yellow [FlexiKort]
Position: Underboss
Job: The boss personal hitman
Perferred weapon: M-16 with scope and grenade luancher.

Mrs. Green [black+white]
Position: Worker
Job: Crowd and Employee Controller
Preferred weapon: Nine Millimeter

Ms. Stripes [*(.Randi.)*]
Job:Stay in Getaway car (even though I can't drive)
Preferred weapon:Any type of gun

Mrs.Blood red [NibblerLove]
position: Hot friend!
Job: Distractions
Preferred weapon: hand gun

Ms. Orange (now Mrs, Pink :P)[XxTsomexX]
Position: Worker
Job: collects civilians wallets
Perferred weapon: A bo-staff or just hand to hand.

Mr. Pink [Koho Ai]
Position: worker
Job: distraction/safe cracker
Preferred weapon:Grenade with grenade launcher

[.Toxic Valentine.] - Retired .

Position: Stripper! oh yeah!
Job:To stripp other ppl! lol
Preferred weapon: A whip

Ms. Black [Tony Stark]
Position: uh... no idea
Job:breaks everyone out of dificult positions
Perferred weapon: Hammer

Ms. Violet [Papa Don't Preach]
Position: spy
Job: checks out the opposition and gives info back to boss
Preferred weapon: microphone

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2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: lol

2007-03-24 [black+white]: hehehhehe. amusing.

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: lets beat up snugels...

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: The BIg Stand down

Furby:I going to kill you now

UNholy: In your dreams

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-03-24 [black+white]: .... *watches with anticipation* wheres teh popcorn????

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: Furby: *Pulls out a gatling gun*

UNholy:*stands there watching*

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: O o oohh..the best part!!*get popcorn*

2007-03-24 [black+white]: *shovels popcorn in mouth* oh the anticipation!!!! SHOOT SOMEONE ALREADY!!!!!!

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: ...

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: Airplane: *Drops H-BOmb on everyone*

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: ????

2007-03-25 [Aki Neko]: wwwaaaaaaaaaaa

2007-03-25 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: hehe

2007-03-25 [black+white]: can we not bomb eacother and concentrate on killing kirby?? eh?

2007-03-25 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: whos kirby

2007-03-25 [Aki Neko]: sorry...hes the little pink circle that eats everything...

2007-03-25 [Papa Don't Preach]: o ok

2007-03-25 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *giigles*

2007-03-25 [Aki Neko]: lol....

2007-03-25 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *jumps around like a bunny*

2007-03-25 [Aki Neko]: hoppidy hoppidi hop hop hop

2007-03-25 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-03-25 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *la la la la la la * *giggles* and cont. jumping around like a bunny*

2007-03-25 [Aki Neko]: *joins in*

2007-03-25 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: yay! *laughs and sings la la la la *hums*

2007-03-25 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: rawh! PORN!

2007-03-26 [Aki Neko]: Im working it with rei-lan tonight!wait...dosnt rei-lan wear this gown???
hey big boyyyy
zero!?wait..if your here..then...who has the remote!?!
arent you going to help them?
oh!screw that!this is going on repeat!for like ever!!!!

2007-03-26 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: lol

2007-03-26 [Aki Neko]: iv watched that video 100x!

2007-03-27 [FlexiKort]: Any1 there? :S

2007-03-27 [XxTsomexX]: myu?

2007-03-27 [FlexiKort]: Heeeh?

2007-03-27 [Aki Neko]: hi!!

2007-03-27 [XxTsomexX]: hi!

2007-03-27 [Aki Neko]: waht up?

2007-03-27 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: ive seen 300 exactly 5 in a half times

2007-03-27 [XxTsomexX]: damn

2007-03-27 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: yepp
i love that movie

2007-03-27 [XxTsomexX]: *dancing*

2007-03-27 [Aki Neko]: wow...

2007-03-28 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: what?

2007-03-31 [Aki Neko]: idk...

2007-03-31 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *continues dancing like a balarena*

2007-04-01 [Aki Neko]:,

2007-04-01 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: lol im a freak

2007-04-01 [Aki Neko]:

so am i

Missing: </huge>

2007-04-01 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]:


2007-04-01 [FlexiKort]: Big capital letters hurts when you look at them...

2007-04-01 [Aki Neko]: yes way(sorry pinball)

2007-04-01 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]:


2007-04-01 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-04-01 [FlexiKort]: lol its ok, continue :)

2007-04-01 [Aki Neko]: yes i am.

2007-04-02 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: rawrsssssss

2007-04-02 [Aki Neko]: meeewwwssssss

2007-04-02 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *kicks feet in air*

2007-04-02 [Aki Neko]: *dose can can*do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do!!!!!!

2007-04-03 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: NOOOOOOO *kicks you*

2007-04-03 [Aki Neko]: Gets kicked*what did i do!?

2007-04-03 [XxTsomexX]: ?

2007-04-03 [Aki Neko]: they kicked me!!*hides*

2007-04-03 [XxTsomexX]: <img:stuff/mood1-gif.gif>

2007-04-03 [Aki Neko]: <img:44166_1164557401.gif> j/k

2007-04-03 [XxTsomexX]: <img:stuff/mood13-gif.gif>

2007-04-03 [Aki Neko]: you oky?

2007-04-03 [XxTsomexX]: tired

2007-04-03 [Aki Neko]: -.-zzzz

2007-04-03 [FlexiKort]: pillow fight? :D

2007-04-03 [Papa Don't Preach]: *throws pillow at pinball*

2007-04-03 [Aki Neko]: PILLOW FIGHT!!!!

2007-04-03 [Papa Don't Preach]: *throws more pillows*

2007-04-03 [Aki Neko]: *explodes and pillows hit everyone*^___^


2007-04-04 [FlexiKort]: Owie! :'( you made a big scar on mye head! i need a medic xP

2007-04-04 [Aki Neko]: *wraps pinballs haed in bandages to make him look like shishio(rurouni kenshin)*there!medical attention AND cosplay!^ ^

2007-04-04 [FlexiKort]: wheee :D *hugs* :)

2007-04-04 [FlexiKort]: i got a headache... a real one :) it hurts...

2007-04-04 [gilmour]: that sux...

2007-04-04 [FlexiKort]: yea... :)

2007-04-04 [FlexiKort]: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! WHAT THE HELL?! xD

2007-04-04 [Aki Neko]: *clicks*okay that was weird....

2007-04-04 [FlexiKort]: usually i would have gone with mario, but now... it was just frigging funny, well a part of it :P

2007-04-04 [Aki Neko]: that was....weird...*freaked out*i mean...damn jake, you find the hella weirdest things....O O

2007-04-04 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *skips around* sorry pinball

2007-04-04 [FlexiKort]: hah? i didnt get that.. lol

2007-04-05 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: i hit you with a brick

2007-04-05 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: ouch...and i mean OUCH! i am a skiier....

2007-04-05 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: lol

2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: it hurts when you fall. have YOU ever gone butt skiing before?

2007-04-05 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: yeppp

2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: icy pants...<img:stuff/ice-gif.gif>

2007-04-05 [Papa Don't Preach]:

2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: ill have to watch it later...too...many...wikis...

2007-04-05 [gilmour]: lol

2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: okay...*watches*

2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: ooooooook....

2007-04-05 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *tummy growls*

2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: *gives you a cookie*

2007-04-05 [XxTsomexX]: <img:stuff/c-gif.gif>

2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: *gives tsome a cookie too*

2007-04-05 [XxTsomexX]: <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^


2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: groomf!

2007-04-05 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: sorry*smiles like a dork*

2007-04-06 [black+white]: i love youtube. it is my life..... just thought u might like to kno that.

2007-04-06 [black+white]: omg... thats friggin scary.......

2007-04-06 [gilmour]: lol i know!~

2007-04-06 [black+white]: i cried... and my friend on the phone is like wtf is that?!?!?!?!?!? and im like "ITS A POSSESED CAT!!!!!!"

2007-04-06 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *screams*

2007-04-06 [gilmour]: thats exactly what i said

2007-04-06 [black+white]: lol.

2007-04-06 [Papa Don't Preach]: lol

2007-04-06 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]:


2007-04-06 [Papa Don't Preach]: :O

2007-04-06 [black+white]: *gaspers*

2007-04-06 [Papa Don't Preach]: *faints*

2007-04-06 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: i know!

2007-04-06 [black+white]: lol. its just so amazing.

2007-04-06 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: yeppp

2007-04-06 [black+white]: so wut up my peeps?

2007-04-06 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: YOUR DICK!hehe
just kiding!

2007-04-06 [black+white]: <img:44166_1164145253.gif> wtf man.... was that really neccessary? lol.

2007-04-06 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: no...
*looks ashamed*

2007-04-06 [black+white]: lol. aw. dont be ashamed! *hugs* we'll get over it.

2007-04-06 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: yay*hugs you back&kisses your cheek*

2007-04-06 [Aki Neko]: missed alot again...

2007-04-06 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: lol yepp

2007-04-06 [Aki Neko]: gilmours not on...

2007-04-06 [FlexiKort]: what is bambi's sex? :S
ive neverd watched any of those bambi films... so i wouldnt know :P

2007-04-06 [Aki Neko]: boy.

2007-04-06 [FlexiKort]: are you sure?

2007-04-06 [FlexiKort]: cause ive seen som pics... and it looks like a girl... maybe its a trans?

youve seen those eyelashes... i know u have :P

2007-04-06 [Aki Neko]: hes the PRINCE of the forst.

2007-04-06 [FlexiKort]: oh....Prince-ss? xP

2007-04-06 [Aki Neko]: no.prince.

2007-04-06 [FlexiKort]: prince... well in that case... he looks like a feminist

2007-04-06 [Aki Neko]: lmao....thats mean!!!>____<

2007-04-06 [FlexiKort]: why?! xP he got REALLY long eyelashes... just like a girl! and it looks like he's powdered all the time... specially on his nose! xD

2007-04-06 [Aki Neko]: lol...but hes so cute!!!

2007-04-06 [FlexiKort]: Hahahaha ok then... if you say so...

2007-04-06 [Aki Neko]: well he is.^ ^

2007-04-06 [FlexiKort]: Not compared to... uhm my finger!

2007-04-06 [Aki Neko]: lol...okay. your finger is cuter

2007-04-06 [FlexiKort]: :)

2007-04-06 [Aki Neko]: wow...i thought i was wierd!XD

2007-04-07 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *screams*

2007-04-07 [Aki Neko]: hi...

2007-04-07 [FlexiKort]: No, you cant have my finger! :O

2007-04-07 [Aki Neko]: i dont want it. you said it was cuter, i said okay.


2007-04-07 [Aki Neko]: lol

2007-04-07 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: asfasfasfasfsa

2007-04-07 [Aki Neko]: asfsa?

2007-04-07 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: idk!? *jumps around like a buny*

2007-04-08 [Aki Neko]: mew...

2007-04-08 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *bunni bunni yay for bunny*

2007-04-08 [Aki Neko]: my friend was a bunny.

2007-04-08 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: omgie*jealous*

2007-04-08 [Aki Neko]: mew

2007-04-08 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: flkshaskfaskfaklhasfkhalsfhklfsaka hahahahha i laugh

2007-04-08 [Aki Neko]: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoops...sorry. fell asleep.

2007-04-08 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: its ok

2007-04-08 [FlexiKort]: *points with the other finger* get the thief! :O

2007-04-08 [Papa Don't Preach]: who !!! :O

2007-04-08 [Aki Neko]: not me!

2007-04-08 [FlexiKort]: My Fallen Angel stole my finger T_T

2007-04-09 [Aki Neko]: lol...well, like you said it was cute!!

2007-04-09 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *eats it*

2007-04-09 [Papa Don't Preach]: *giggles then pretends to looked shocked*

2007-04-09 [FlexiKort]: :O NOOOOoooooOO!!!! my finger *Cries* T_T

*quickly bites My Fallen Angel's finger off*

sweet revenge...

2007-04-09 [Papa Don't Preach]: :O

2007-04-09 [Aki Neko]: umm...can we stop eating fingers?

2007-04-09 [FlexiKort]: they taste yummie... like salt... only better

2007-04-09 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *eats pinball*

2007-04-09 [XxTsomexX]: *munches on fallen angel's arm*

2007-04-09 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: yay! eat me!!

2007-04-09 [XxTsomexX]: XD that sounds so wrong lmao

2007-04-09 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: lol....
oh you dirty person<img:44166_1164557382.gif>
not like that!

2007-04-09 [XxTsomexX]: XD lol

2007-04-09 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: lol
*dances around*

2007-04-09 [XxTsomexX]: *does the donkey dance*

2007-04-09 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: yay!

2007-04-09 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-04-09 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *walks around acting like a dinosaur*

2007-04-09 [XxTsomexX]: hmm.... *tries to run and jump off a tree but forgets to jump and runs smack into the tree*

2007-04-09 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: wow
that was smart
*runs oover to help you*

2007-04-09 [XxTsomexX]: <img:44166_1164557401.gif> im okay!

2007-04-09 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: *licks the blood off you* haha jking
*helps you get cleaned up*(

2007-04-09 [XxTsomexX]: XD lol i did that today, except the tree was a person in gym class XD

2007-04-09 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: lol
that would rock

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